BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint (HCP), a Texas-based healthcare and clinical research networking technology company founded by patient survivors, began the implementation phase of its BlueCloud technologies to provide long term site capacity building and transformation for the African region. LT Clinical Research in South Africa, Eagle Research Center in Rwanda, Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP) in Burkina Faso, Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital in Tanzania, Donka Ambulatory Treatment Center and Research in Guinea and Centre for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa in Ethiopia are just some of the organizations that have joined our global mission to connect the world of healthcare and clinical research to leave no patient behind. More than 36 other major institutions and organizations are projected to join this noble cause within the next few months. Using BlueCloud’s globally successful Delivery, Distribution, Implementation and Tracking (DDIT) mechanisms – the implementation phase will be used to equip healthcare and clinical research organizations with the necessary tools for smart city building that will assist local organizations with the proper, tools for business and regulatory sustainability requirements amongst many other important healthcare and clinical research processes required for proper sustainability in African regions.
“BlueCloud Africa is a great opportunity to bring BlueCloud’s global vision of leaving no patient behind. Our technology, combined with our unique DDIT strategy, can address the operations of the many proactive sites who are interested in bringing new solutions to a collaborative environment,” – Stated Al O. Pacino, President BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint and 14 year head and neck cancer survivor. “Through BlueCloud’s Philanthropy for a Purpose initiative, clinical research centers will receive BlueCloud delivery systems that includes basic healthcare and clinical research education, training and certification programs to improve human subject protection and patient safety, and the standardization and inter-rater-reliability to global clinical trials, including but not limited to the NIH Stroke Scale, Rankin, Barthel Index. C-SSRS and dozens of other globally used standards of care. We believe our Philanthropy for a Purpose initiative will benefit organizations and bring alignment to the global innovation movement for to benefit all lives.”
“The use of BlueCloud’s site locator and connector directory application is ideal for clinical trial sites in Africa to leverage its capabilities and a catalyst to virtual marketing and distribution of their services to global sponsor companies. It is also excellent for accessing multilingual education and training on the latest educational content required for basic and regulatory competencies requirements,” stated Sibu Mdlalose, Executive Director of Business Development at LT Clinical Research Africa (LT CRA).
The BlueCloud Networking Management System has evolved into the primary mechanism for connectivity between African Research organizations, sponsors, medical device, pharmaceutical organizations, universities and other industry stakeholders. BlueCloud Healthcare Professional Directories and its Quality Assurance Applications like, along with BlueCloud Patient Mapping Apps, BlueCloud Trust & Verify App and BlueCloud Reminder Alert App will be essential for real time connectivity, transparency and accountability between organizations. BlueCloud® global connectivity and interoperability networking system provides streamlined communication, including proper managerial information required for everyday business and compliance processes between institutions within the healthcare and clinical research industry essential for business and compliance accountability.
“BlueCloud collaboration will enable us to develop a long awaited connectivity with our sponsors, partners and beneficiaries and thus improving and streamlining both our clinical trials and health research projects.” – Eagle Research Center- Alice Nyamwiza – Managing Director.
Executive Director, Dr. Adama Gansane of Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP) explained, “We now have capacity to utilize support innovations for new and robust connection and network infrastructure systems required to properly demonstrate staff competencies, maximize quality capabilities and track high quality standards when planning and implementing timely execution of clinical research lifecycle for commercial and institutional sponsors.”
About Eagle Research Center
The Eagle Research Center (ERC) is a Rwandan not for profit organization that specializes in innovative solutions through health research, project management, training and logistics consultation, all customized to specific project needs. Eagle Research Center aims to be a premier research institute able to professionally manage a wide variety of research projects and clinical trials.
About Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP)
National Center of Research and Training on Malaria is a service which has been created by the Ministry of Health. Its seat is in Ouagadougou not far from the University hospital Yalagdo Ouedraogo (CHU-YO). Specialized in the scientific research and the training on malaria, CNRFP is livened up by high-level experts. CNRFP has a central laboratory and two stations of research. Its technical platform is in accordance with the international standards.
About LT Clinical Research Africa (LT CRA)
LT Clinical Research (Pty) Ltd, trading as LT Clinical Research, is an independent contract healthcare research organization providing clinical trials management services in Africa, including GxP consulting for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical devices companies.
About BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint
A global sustainable innovation providing delivery, distribution and implementation (DDI) mechanisms for all industry stakeholders. The BlueCloud® is a Connector Service Provider (CSP ®). Nominated as one of the top innovations in the industry, BlueCloud® is the first independent (real-time / single sign-on) Professional Network for Healthcare and Clinical Research. A global collaborative network connecting all stakeholders in a secure, regulated, private system with a common global goal to ensure the safety and human subject protection. Available in over 167 countries and used by over 1.5 million healthcare professionals from Sponsors, CROs, research sites, hospitals, universities, and thousands of healthcare and clinical research stakeholders using its applications to connect, organize, centralize and share verifiable information in real-time for managerial and compliance activities which are now proven to save the industry millions of dollars by eliminating redundancies, expediting study start up, ensuring quality, transparency and compliance – thus modernizing the industry using connectivity – creating a system that leaves no patient behind no matter what religion, race or social status worldwide.