BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint (HCP), a Texas-based healthcare and clinical research networking technology company founded by patient survivors, established BlueCloud Africa to work with local organizations to improve the healthcare and clinical research ecosystem using smart city development approaches. A “smart city” is commonly known as, “an area where information and communication technology, and various physical devices are connected to networks to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens.” BlueCloud will be working with local African based organizations who will now be empowered to use BlueCloud’s delivery, distribution and implementation (DDI) strategies and technology mechanisms to deliver, distribute and properly implement initiatives to help organizations establish sustainable business models and regulatory processes in African nations.
BlueCloud’s globally proven business model known as Connector Service Provider (CSP) and its DDI mechanisms offers an innovative solution for industry stakeholders. Operating within the model, providers are directly connected to consumers for business and compliance purposes. Participating organizations can now distribute their products, services and specialties to consumer institutions to streamline the local healthcare and clinical research ecosystem. Global sponsors and CROs, governments and regulatory agencies can ensure transparency, site quality assurance, and identification of competent clinical trial operations locally. By providing real time connectivity between sites and sponsors, CROs and other stakeholders, local hospitals and sites can improve local sustainability by building study pipelines, while enabling sponsors to quickly identify competent sites based on geographical location and other inclusion/exclusion criteria while improving the process of developing products.
“By organizing African industry stakeholders into connected networks, BlueCloud Africa can pave the way to greater efficiencies as a member of the global healthcare and clinical research ecosystem – essential for improving the healthcare and clinical research industry so no patient is left behind’ – Stated Al O. Pacino, President BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint.
The BlueCloud Africa (DDI) strategy includes but is not limited to: 1) Delivery of smart city-based technology infrastructure to qualified healthcare and clinical research organizations. 2) Distribution of industry accepted guidelines, best practices and standards of care to providers and investigative sites to help streamline clinical trials regulatory process. 3) Distribution of basic healthcare and clinical research courses to local organizations to improve human subject protection and patient safety. 4) Distribute knowledge of patient populations based on limited data sets by using the BlueCloud Patient Mapping application. 5) Implement proper mechanisms that maintain “real-time” Professional Experience and Training Records 24/7 from opt-in connections to pre-qualify sites. 6) Implement proper mechanisms to improve transparency between qualified healthcare professionals, investigator sites, healthcare and clinical research sponsors and international institutions. 7) Provide DDI support infrastructure to maximize grants, university and government initiatives.
“We are leveraging BlueCloud’s DDI innovations to help Africa modernize its local health systems for the benefit of sponsor/CRO’s hospitals, sites, investigators, common and rare disease patient networks among other local industry stakeholders. BlueCloud ensures continual site optimization and transparency that is essential to the clinical research verification processes in the eyes of regulators.” – Stated Yonnie Otieno, Manager BlueCloud Africa.
“BlueCloud’s mission has always been to leave no patient behind by using implementation of guidelines, best practices and globally accepted standards. This process has been proven to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in order to improve human subject protection and patient safety.” President of BlueCloud, Al O. Pacino explains, after 16 years in development, BlueCloud has evolved into a globally accepted DDI innovation desperately needed by organizations to promote and ultimately create smart cities with a sustainable infrastructure, helping create long-term sustainability for underdeveloped and developed countries alike.”
About BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint
A global innovation providing delivery, distribution and implementation (DDI) mechanisms for all industry stakeholders. The BlueCloud® is a Connector Service Provider (CSP ®). Nominated as one of the top innovations in the industry, BlueCloud® is the first independent (real-time / single sign-on) Professional Network for Healthcare and Clinical Research. A global collaborative network and essential catalyst of the ACRES global system, connecting all stakeholders in a secure, regulated, private system with a common adjudication process ensuring the identity of healthcare professionals to protect and ensure the safety of data exchange. Available in 167 countries and used by over 1.5 million healthcare professionals from Sponsors, CROs, research sites, hospitals, universities, and thousands of healthcare and clinical research stakeholders to connect, organize, centralize and share verifiable information in real-time for managerial and compliance activities. Saving the industry millions of dollars by eliminating redundancies, expediting study start up to ensure quality, transparency and compliance thus modernizing the industry using connectivity – creating a system that leaves no patient behind no matter what religion, race or social status.